Aug 7, 2014

[#13] About Me : Part3 (Dancing in My High School and My College)

When I was a member of the street dancing club in my high school, I got a chance to be a TV star.
A TV program focusing on school life of teenagers was interested in our high school, especially in our street dancing club. In every Thursday night, we were broadcasted to the whole country for about three months. In the program we danced a lot and battled against other schools. In those days we were pretty popular, and the presence of our club in my high school got increased. We felt like we were One Direction!

I was totally absorbed in dancing so I couldn’t study at all, and then, I screwed up my university entrance exam. Consequently, I had to spend another year after graduation for studying. This year was a gloomy nightmare. I was just a nerd and didn’t do anything but studying, eating, sleeping and studying.

After one year of torture, I entered my university and joined a street dancing club again. This time, our club was not only about street dancing, but also about theatrical acting too. In every December we had the biggest annual theatrical performance. Interestingly, our stage had no lines, and instead, we used dancing to explain every situations and emotions. Sounds difficult, isn’t it? The preparation took about half a year and our budget was quite big.

In the last year I assumed the role of the stage director, the most important one, but it was really tough business. Thousand of difficulties stroke me like finding the best music for each scenes, keeping consistency of the story, coming up with good stage setting and also considering about relationships between other members. Everyday I discussed much more than danced, and I couldn’t sleep soundly for six months because of incessant arguments.

When our stage came to a close, I cried my heart out in front of others after 17 years (This can be another funny story, I guess). That was one of the most joyful moments in my life. The black straw hat I wore in this moment became my lifetime treasure.

(To be continued...)

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