Aug 7, 2014

[#15] About Me : Part5 (My Final Impression of Yale and New Haven)

Finally I came to Yale. Before leaving Japan, I decided three goals for spending six weeks in Yale.

1.    Improving English skills
2.    Widen my perspectives
3.    Knowing more about Yale

Did I achieve my goals? My answer is great, big, giant YES.

Firstly, I could become to be able to use English from my heart, not from my brain. My English still has a lot of problems, but at least when I talk to friends, teachers and someone I meet I can express my emotions. English words suddenly come to my mind and I can say those words with my true feelings.
I would like to thank everyone who gave me the opportunity to improve English, especially Carrie. Through her class I could get to know about “meaningful English.” She cherished every single word in stories and articles. Her attitude taught me the importance of subtleties in sounds of words. I could polish my sense of English by selecting words carefully every time. Thank you Carrie, thank you very much.

Secondly, I expected to know how “Japan” is seen from other countries. I rediscovered that Japan is pretty well known than I expected. I was really moved and proud of my own country. Such kind of feelings had never come to my mind.
Moreover, now I have many friends all over the world. I got my friends in my floor of our dorm, in classrooms, in dining hall and mostly in the game room. I’m looking forward the chances to go to their country, and also the day they visit Japan. I hope that someday we gather again in one table and play poker.

Thirdly, as I mentioned before, I was attached to Yale for its own sake because of the introduction video of Yale called “That’s why I chose Yale.”
In these 6 weeks, I could go to almost every area of Yale’s campus. Every single residential college was gorgeous and beautiful. Libraries were truly well designed and equipped. I went to many restaurants in New Haven though we could have every meal in dining hall. I enjoyed almost every thing in New Haven.

Now I’m sure that I will miss Yale and my friends just after riding on MTA North Line. The six weeks in New Haven became one of the most precious memories of my life. I would like to cherish every encounter I had here. I know that those encounters will make my life joyful. Thank you guys, see you again!

At the end, I would like to thank my dear father and mother. You are always kind, generous and warm. You always let me do and support anything I want to do. I love you two from the bottom of my heart. I can’t thank you enough.

1 comment:

  1. Zoo - you were a delight from the first moment, adding to the litertaure by acting it out perfectly...I should have known we had a movie star in our midst from the first. I can see all around me that you took full advantage of every moment you spent here. You eat up life with a gusto, and I thoroughly admire that. I ask you one last favor if you should ever read this again...can you make one final post and include that wonderful film that you and your friends made. while here?!? BEST STUDENT FILM EVER!
    Thank you for everything, Carrie
